Introducing fundamental ideas as a didactic approach for vocational education

authored by
Birga Stender, Johannes Krugel

This paper introduces the concept of "fundamental ideas" as a subject didactic approach from general education to the vocational education sector, focusing on the electrical engineering field. The authors propose the "versatile designability of electrical systems" as a fundamental idea for this field, which can help learners develop subject-specific competence and flexible use of subject-specific knowledge. The idea meets the criteria for a fundamental idea and can be beneficial in teaching at vocational schools, promoting structural knowledge and future viability of subject-related competences. The concept of fundamental ideas can be integrated with other didactic approaches and curricular design in vocational education, offering an innovative approach for future teachers and for students.

Didactics of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Section
Leibniz School of Education
Real Time Systems Section
Conference contribution
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Artificial Intelligence, Education, Computer Science Applications, Media Technology
Electronic version(s) (Access: Closed)

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