Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions by Students

  • How does #LernenVernetzt work?

    Shortly after you register with #LernenVernetzt using the form on our website, you will receive an email with a proposal for a match with a suitable school or educational facility. If you are not interested in working with this institution, please let us know and we will get back to you with an alternative proposal as soon as possible. As soon as you tell us that you are interested in a certain match, you will receive the so-called "team email" with the contact details of all team members as well as important documents for the cooperation. Now you and the facilities get in contact and start working together. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact us at any time. If you have the capacity for another cooperation, we will be happy to find you another suitable match. After you finish working with an institution, let us know and tell us if you are interested in a new match or if you would like to be removed from the database. As soon as the cooperation with #LernenVernetzt ends, apply for a volunteering certificate using the form on the website and upload your worklog. The submission of the worklog is mandatory for all students. The certificate will then be prepared and sent to you via mail within a few weeks.

  • What is a worklog and how do I complete it?

    In the worklog, students keep record of their various activities and the hours spent while volunteering for #LernenVernetzt. It is obligatory for students volunteering with #LernenVernetzt to keep a worklog! In our worklog form, you can fill in the date, time and content of your activities. Please record the times spent with for example learning guidances, fairmeeting conferences, and research for teaching material. Nevertheless, also record times spent with writing emails, preparing or processing lectures, and telephone calls. It might be useful to reflect on your worklog with the teacher assigned to you on several occasions during your work with the programme. Please ask the teacher to sign the worklog at the end of your time with #LernenVernetzt. 

  • Do I need a LUH email address for the #LernenVernetzt programme or can I use my private email address?

    We strongly recommend students use their LUH email address when applying for #LernenVernetzt. Hereby the student's identity is verified as solely persons enrolled as students at LUH possess this email address.

  • After receiving the team email, I was not able to get in contact with the teacher assigned to me. What do I do?

    Please get in touch with the #LernenVernetzt team. They will try to help you contact the teacher. If this does not work out, the team will match you with another school.

  • Can students enrolled at universities other than the LUH volunteer with the #LernenVernetzt programme?

    Only students enrolled at LUH can volunteer with the #LernenVernetzt programme yet but we are currently working on cooperations with other universities.

  • I have issues with the teacher assigned to me and/or am not happy with the way we communicate. What can I do?

    Please get in touch with the #LernenVernetzt team. They will try to solve the issue. If this does not work out, they will try to match you with a new school.

Frequently Asked Questions by Parents

  • How does #LernenVernetzt ensure the safety of all participants?

    We ask students to guide the pupils at fixed times between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Furthermore, the students have to inform the teachers and LSConnect about the time and date of the appointments, the name of the Fairmeeting room, and the room's pass word. Thus, LSConnect is able to enter the digital meeting room in order to conduct spontaneous inspections. The students have to install the Fairmeeting room according to specific security requirements. Parents can also participate in the digital meetings with a muted microphone. Students and pupils are only allowed to communicate via the appointed means of communication (and never via WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.). Nevertheless, students and pupils are of course allowed to use the digital platforms provided by the particular school.

  • Can parents join a fairmeeting appointment?

    Parents are allowed to join the fairmeeting appointments with a muted microphone.